BLOOTOKS c'est :

Développement d'applications sur AutoCad et Inventor

Modélisation 3D de vos plans 2D  (DWG, DXF, Tiff...)
Fourniture de fichiers au format Inventor, AutoCad, STEP, IGES...

Formations sur AutoCad, Inventor et Vault

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Through the Interface

Back in Las Vegas for TechX 2024 (dim., 05 mai 2024)
It’s that time off year again: our internal Autodesk geekfest (called TechX) is being held this week in Las Vegas at the Resorts World Hotel. (It's held in a different city every year.) I’ve come across to attend a Technical Leadership Forum on Monday, and then present a TechX session on using WebAssembly to create a Forma extension (in this case using VASA) on Tuesday. I’ll also be participating in a number of other activities before heading home on Friday. As I wanted to be here in time for a reception on the Sunday night, I headed across on...
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Last chance to submit your class proposal for AU 2024! (Mon, 29 Apr 2024)
Tomorrow is April 30th, which brings to a close the Call for Proposals for Autodesk University 2024, which is being held in San Diego from October 15-17. To get you excited, here are a few images taken by one of the official AU photographers. And yes, it’s at least as cool as it looks in the photos, so do make sure you submit your proposal before tomorrow’s deadline. I’ve kindly been included as a co-speaker on one proposal, this year, which - if accepted - will talk about the Extension API to Autodesk Forma. Let’s see if it makes...
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Services aux bureau d'études,Rouen normandie Bretagne, AutoDesk,AutoCad,formation,développement,programmation AutoCad sur rouen et la normandie
Prestations de services pour les bureaux d'études