BLOOTOKS c'est :

Développement d'applications sur AutoCad et Inventor

Modélisation 3D de vos plans 2D  (DWG, DXF, Tiff...)
Fourniture de fichiers au format Inventor, AutoCad, STEP, IGES...

Formations sur AutoCad, Inventor et Vault

Audit et aide à la mise en place d'une GEDT pour votre Bureau d'Etudes.


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Through the Interface

Work on a PhD project with Autodesk Research and The Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL (lun., 13 janv. 2025)
Autodesk Research is delighted to be sponsoring a PhD studentship at The Bartlett School of Architecture - part of University College London (UCL) - to research better, more equitable ways of modelling human navigation. Image courtesy of Hugo Spiers / UCL. The application deadline is short - it closes in just 2 weeks, on January 28th 2025 - so please do share this post with interested parties (or send them this LinkedIn posting). Information on applying can be found here. Here’s a summary of the project from the main UELA (which stands for UCL EPSRC Landscape Award, recently renamed...
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The Walmsleys hit the US: Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia (Thu, 09 Jan 2025)
In the last post I shared some experiences from the first half of our two-week trip to the United States. Now we’ll look at the second half. After leaving Bethany Beach we headed northwards along the coast, stopping at a few outlets along the way. Shopping in Delaware is presumably a thing because of the lack of sales tax. I will say that from this trip - and my son’s stay in US generally - it’s obvious that prices have gone up a huge amount over the last few years. Switzerland used to feel really expensive when compared with...
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Services aux bureau d'études,Rouen normandie Bretagne, AutoDesk,AutoCad,formation,développement,programmation AutoCad sur rouen et la normandie
Prestations de services pour les bureaux d'études