BLOOTOKS c'est :

Développement d'applications sur AutoCad et Inventor

Modélisation 3D de vos plans 2D  (DWG, DXF, Tiff...)
Fourniture de fichiers au format Inventor, AutoCad, STEP, IGES...

Formations sur AutoCad, Inventor et Vault

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Through the Interface

Submit your Autodesk DevCon Europe 2025 class proposals (jeu., 31 oct. 2024)
As I mentioned after the announcement at AU 2024, I was thrilled to see an Autodesk DevCon happening back in the fine city of Amsterdam. It’ll be held from May 20-21, 2025. The last one I attended was the week (maybe a few days more) after I joined Autodesk, back in August of 1995. I wasn’t actually presenting at that first one, if memory serves me right, I was assisting my colleague Jim Tinney with his presentation about the Autodesk WorkCenter API. The event was held in a super-fancy Japanese hotel in Amsterdam - at least it certainly seemed...
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Dogs of Autodesk (Tue, 29 Oct 2024)
Autodesk loves its dogs. You might say it’s in the company’s DNA. One of my favourite internal Slack channels is #fun-dogs-of-autodesk (the “fun” prefix just indicates it’s not business-related). Susan Taylor posted a link to a CBS flashback video there yesterday, which speaks to our long history of welcoming furry friends into the workplace. There are lots of familiar faces in this video: Lynn Levy, Linda Saldana and Patti Harris (who very sadly passed away some years ago). I worked with them all in the 90s/00s in some capacity, so this was a real “blast from the past”. By...
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Services aux bureau d'études,Rouen normandie Bretagne, AutoDesk,AutoCad,formation,développement,programmation AutoCad sur rouen et la normandie
Prestations de services pour les bureaux d'études